Theralase Laser
This clinic utilizes a cold laser therapy, Theralase. Therapeutic medical lasers heal tissues by dispensing billions of photons of visible and invisible laser light deep into the injured structure. Mitochondria, located within the cells of the structure, have a unique ability to absorb laser light energy and convert it into chemical energy that the cell can then use to significantly accelerate the healing process as well as reduce pain.
Benefits of Cold Laser Therapy:
• NO side effects
• NO pain
• Virtually NO contraindications
• NON-Invasive
• NON-Toxic
Therapeutic Benefits of Cold Laser Therapy:
• Accelerates cellular reproduction and growth
• Accelerates would healing through fibroblast and collagen development
• Increased Metabolic Activity within structure
• Reduces the formation of scar tissue following tissue damage from: cuts, scratches, burns or post-surgery
• Reduces inflammation
• Increases blood flow to damaged areas
• Speeds the process of nerve cell reconnection, bringing numb areas back to life
Cold Laser Therapy treats a variety of conditions, including, but not limited to:
• Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
• Tenosynovitis
• Golfer’s elbow
• Tennis elbow
• Tendonitis
• Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
• Shin Splits
• Blackberry thumb
• Stress fractures
• Runner’s knee
• Achilles Tendonitis
• Osteoarthritis
• Rheumatoid Arthritis
• Gout
• Osteoporosis
• Ankylosing Spondylitis
Bioflex Laser
Soft Tissue & Sports Injuries
Ligament & Tendon Tears
Muscle Strains
Arthritic Conditions
Degenerative Osteoarthritis
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Vertebral Radiculopathy
Chronic Spinal Problems
Repetitive Stress Injuries
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Rotator Cuff Injuries
Tennis Elbow
General Health Problems
Herniated Disc
Temporo-Mandibular Joint Syndrome
Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy
Post Herpetic Neuralgia
Tissue Repair & Wound Healing
Traumatic Lesions (burns)
Dermal Ulcers
Venous Stasis
Shockwave Treatment
Treatable Conditions
1. Plantar Fasciitis, heel pain or heel spur
2. Tennis elbow
3. Jumpers knee
4. Achilles tendonitis
5. Shin splints
6. Frozen shoulder
7. Muscle sprain, cramp and spasm
8. Scar tissue treatment
9. Cellulite treatment
10. Erectile Dysfunction
Shockwave therapy is a relatively new treatment option in orthopedic and rehabilitation medicine. The effect of shockwaves was first documented during World War II when the lungs of castaways were noted to be damaged without any superficial evidence of trauma. It was discovered the shockwaves created by depth charges were responsible for the internal injuries. This created a great deal of interest and research into the biological effects of shockwaves on living tissue. The first medical treatment developed from this research was lithotripsy. This allowed focused shockwaves to essentially dissolve kidney stones without surgical intervention. Today, over 98% of all kidney stones are treated with this technology. The use of shockwaves to treat tendon related pain began in the early 1990s.
A clinical shockwave is nothing more than a controlled explosion that creates a sonic pulse, much like an airplane breaking the sound barrier. The primary effect of a shockwave is a direct mechanical force. The exact mechanism by which shockwave therapy acts to treat tendon pathology is not known. The leading explanation is based on the inflammatory healing response. It is felt the shockwaves cause microtrauma to the diseased tendon tissue. This results in inflammation, which allows the body to send healing cells and increase the blood flow to the injured site.
Shockwaves are used to treat many orthopedic conditions, including plantar fasciitis (heel spurs), patellar tendinitis (jumper’s knee), lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow), medial epicondylitis (golfer’s elbow) and shoulder tendinitis. Multiple studies have been conducted to assess the efficacy of shockwave therapy. Many have shown a positive response versus placebo treatment. No studies have reported any significant side effects when utilized for orthopedic conditions. Contraindications to shockwave therapy include bleeding disorders and pregnancy.
There are two main types of shockwave machines, low and high energy. High-energy treatments are administered in the operating room with regional or general anesthesia. Low-energy treatments are administered in the clinic and do not require anesthesia or injections. SCOI currently uses a low-energy machine. A technician places the probe on the area of greatest tenderness and the shockwaves are delivered over 10-20 minutes. Occasionally, patients will relate mild transient discomfort at the treatment site. Patients are usually treated with 3-5 sessions separated by a week. Between treatments, patients are able to perform all normal daily activities. Some patients report immediate pain relief but the healing response usually requires 6-8 weeks.
Slimspec is a professional system specially designed for cellulite and body firming treatments based on Acoustic Radial Waves Therapy (ARWT). Slimspec treatments can be performed on the cellulite affected areas such as the abdomen, hips, thighs, or buttocks.
Acoustic Radial Waves are unfocused low pressure acoustic waves created by an electromagnetic ballistic mechanism. The waves are penetrating the tissue affecting a large treatment area simultaneously. The Acoustic Radial Waves have a very similar biological effect to extracorporeal shockwaves.
Which are the Slimspec applications?
Cellulite treatment and skin tightening
Body firming and circumference reduction
Skin elasticity improvement
Deep tissue massage
Lymphatic drainage
Muscle toning
Cellulite Contour
To treat cellulite, Shockwave transmits powerful sound waves into the tissue.
Due to this technology, it is now possible to treat the weakness of the connective tissue on the abdomen, upper arm and cellulite on the legs and buttocks quickly. In one study, the thigh circumference was reduced by 1 to 7 cm.
* Gentle and painless
* Fast, visible results
* Long-lasting results
* Clinically tested and proven